Nesting Goose by Timothy Djandjomerr
Nesting Goose by Timothy Djandjomerr
As with many Aboriginal artists, Timothy Djandjomerr paints the stories he was told as a small child. He paints with 'grass' which is the stem of a freshwater reed that has many fibres inside. These are prepared to the thickness required for his Skin Group. The thickness of the lines and the way they are applied are very important - besides Skin, they tell the Clan and Country of the artist.
In Kakadu, you can see Bamarru (Magpie Goose) gathering in a big mob. Sometimes hundreds at once, and as they set to flight all at once, it is a beautiful sight to see. Traditionally magpie geese were hunted by spears that were often launched with the help of Borndok (in Kunwok for a spear thrower). Magpie geese are an important food source for many locals, still to this day.
Dimensions: 46cm W x 36cm H