Collection: Selone Djandjomerr

Selone is a Kunwinjku artist who was born in Darwin and grew up in Kakadu. His country is in East Arnhemland in the Northern Territory of Australia. Selone learned to paint from his father and family from his father’s side.  

Selone works as a tour guide with Yellow Water Tours, sharing his vast knowledge of the area, the stories past down to him and his language. 

He paints with ‘grass’, which is the stem of a freshwater reed that has many fibres inside. These are pared to the thickness required for his Skin Group. The thickness of the lines and the way they applied are very important – besides Skin, they tell the Clan and Country of the artist.  

Only the four ochre colours are used; Yellow for the sun. Red for the blood of mother earth – she bleeds for you when you are born and when you die. White is used for body designs in ceremony. Black has secret meanings but is also the charcoal rubbed into cuts to create raised scars for tribal markings.  

Selone works with the Crocodile Hotel doing tours of the gallery and sharing the knowledge that has been passed down through generations to visiting tourists and locals in the area. 

Selone Djandjomerr