Collection: Lennie Murabura

Lennie is a senior Bininj man born in Arnhem Land and raised purely in the traditional way. From a very early age his father taught him the art of hunting, spearing and preparing bush meat for the family. He has a very proficient hunting history and now as a grandfather he proudly teaches his grandsons in the same way. He speaks the old language (Kunwinkju and also other dialects from Arnhem, along with Kundjeihmi- the more modern language). His art is also very traditional and will showcase the animals, bush food and the sacred pictures of the ‘Djang’ or ‘Dreamtime’. 

Lennie has very distinct, fine lines that are recognised throughout the Kakadu region. His favourite pieces to paint are the Warradjan (pig-nosed turtle) and the Almangyi (the long neck turtle). 

Lennie is also the ‘Didgeridoo/Mago Man’ and this honour in his tribe/ family has elected this from a long time ago and through protocol he will represent this role in ceremonies, funerals and various ‘Gunborrk’ or corroborree. He is a proud man and is one of the more respected men of the region. 

Lennie Murabura